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Time for a Class Update!

Dear Parents, Friends and Visitors,

We have been so busy in 2nd and 3rd class over the last few weeks and have completely forgotten to update our blog! We think it's definitely time to let you know what we have been up to!

First of all we have been REALLY enjoying the beautiful weather and have been using this opportunity to play some rounders on our pitch, practice our Mindfulness techniques in the playground and even reading in the sunshine. It was lovely to relax in the sun while still enjoying our class novels.

We had a special visitor, Seán, from Castlebar Fire Station. He talked to us all about the importance of Fire Safety and he introduced us to his friends! We got a special Fire Safety Pack to bring home and tell our families about. We even got to try on the helmets. They were really heavy! We asked Seán lots of excellent questions and we want to thank Seán for answering all these questions and for taking the time to visit us. Take a peek at our pictures from the visit!

Finally we have been studied the Sixties and had been looking at pictures of record players from that era. We did a quick survey and most of the boys and girls had never seen one so Ms. Fitzgerald brought in her one from home to show the children how it worked! Aside from a little authentic dust (!), it is working perfectly! We liked the special crackly sound it made when it played. Everyone got a chance to come up and watch how the needle sat on the vinyl and made the music play. It was fascinating!

Finally, we are really loving our Woodland Walkway and have been popping down for walks when we get the opportunity. We all agreed that Fergal has done wonderful work on it! It is so peaceful and a lovely break from the busy classroom work! How lucky we are to have such a facility right beside our school. Look at these happy faces!!

That is all our news from the last few weeks. We would also love to congratulate the 2nd class children who made their First Holy Communion. Thank you to the parents, teachers, family and children that attended on the day and took part so enthusiastically.

Our school musical is fast approaching and we can't wait to perform in the Linenhall for the first time!

We hope you enjoyed our Class Update and we will definitely have a couple more before the year is out.

Enjoy the last few weeks!

Ms. Fitzgerald, 2nd and 3rd class.

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Derrywash, Castlebar, Co. Mayo
​F23 T659
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