Halloween Woodland Walk
What a great day we had today, from our woodland walk with our buddies, a talent show and Halloween games organised by 5th & 6th class....
Maths Week
Maths Week in Derrywash NS was play based and so much fun. Lots of in class games and buddy activities. Here are a few pictures to give...

We are growing up!
In April Infants had lots of fun looking at old photos of themselves and Mrs Jennings and Mrs Fitzgerald to spot any changes! We were...

Easter Egg Hunt
5th & 6th class students very kindly organised an Easter Egg Hunt for all the pupils. A great time was had using orienteering, running,...

Author visit
Oliver Kelleher, author of Stay in the Drain, pictured with six of his grandchildren who attend Derrywash NS.

Green School Water for Peace Art Competition winners.
The Green School Committee presented certificates and prizes to the artists whose posters have been chosen to represent the school in An...

Blast off!
Infants have been learning all about Space in February! From light and dark to planets and Space travel we have lots of fun learning new...

Snow fun in Infants!
In January we learned all about the Polar Regions and we even got some snow of our own!
The Post Office
Lots of writing, weighing and talking opportunities when we set up our Post Office in December. Special thanks to Michael, our postman,...

Infant foodies!
It was all about food in Infants for November. We loved the stories Handa’s Surprise, The Tiger who came to tea and the Gingerbread Man....

Watch out for dinosaurs!
In October Junior and Senior Infants learned all about dinosaurs. The class was a creative, informative, explorative and playful place to...

Tennis Blitz
Thank you Olwyn for coming to Derrywash and doing a fabulous, inclusive tennis blitz with all of our students. Here's just a teeny...

Colourful Start to New School Year
The theme for our first month in Junior and Senior Infants was Colour. We read some great books together and created art based on them....

Ice-cream 🍦
The smiles that come with ice-cream are extra special! Thank you to our fabulous parents association for treating all the pupils to this...

Metamorphosis in Infants
We have been carefully following the life cycle of caterpillars as they grew and changed into chrysalis and then butterflies that we...

All about school in Infants
In February Junior and Senior Infants learned all about school past and present. We had lots of fun in our child led play. We had a visit...

Self portraits
Junior and Senior Infants have been busy getting to know each other in September. We looked carefully at our faces and did some self...

Summer Art
Junior & Senior Infants loved painting a summer beach scene. This lesson got us all excited about what we hope is a sunny summer break ☀️

Infants were talking a lot about labelling images and work in our copies so today we took that outside and labelled our bodies.

A little bit of Spring
Mrs Jennings brought a surprise spring visitor into our class today and her name is Tiny 🐑.

Sunflowers in Infants
The excitement was at an all time high this week when the children saw their sunflowers starting to grow ☀️

Design and Create with Infants
Last week we were designing and building our own castles from a fairytale 🏰

Jersey Day - In support of two great causes.
Staff and students in Derrywash National School are having a jersey day this Friday 4th Feb to support the Hurling For Hope fundraiser...

Gymnastics with Infants
Junior and Senior Infants absolutely loving their PE lesson today using equipment from Balancing Act Toys.