Writing Buddy Work
When our reading buddy partner becomes our writing buddy partner all the fun begins! We are exploring the explanation genre in our...

Halloween Woodland Walk
What a great day we had today, from our woodland walk with our buddies, a talent show and Halloween games organised by 5th & 6th class....
Maths Week
Maths Week in Derrywash NS was play based and so much fun. Lots of in class games and buddy activities. Here are a few pictures to give...

"Bully, Bully" at the Linenhall
Junior Infants-2nd Class were excited to see the show "Bully, Bully" in the Linenhall Arts Centre.

Persuasive Writing
Throughout the school this term our genre of focus is persuasive writing, After exploring examples of persuasive texts and the key...

Easter Egg Hunt
5th & 6th class students very kindly organised an Easter Egg Hunt for all the pupils. A great time was had using orienteering, running,...

Author visit
Oliver Kelleher, author of Stay in the Drain, pictured with six of his grandchildren who attend Derrywash NS.

Green School Water for Peace Art Competition winners.
The Green School Committee presented certificates and prizes to the artists whose posters have been chosen to represent the school in An...

Castlebar Rugby Club Blitz
A fantastic day for 1st-4th Class at the Castlebar Rugby Club blitz today. Learning new skills, working as a team and having a lot of...

Tennis Blitz
Thank you Olwyn for coming to Derrywash and doing a fabulous, inclusive tennis blitz with all of our students. Here's just a teeny...

International Dot Day
During Art this week 1st and 2nd Class celebrated International Dot Day, a global celebration of creativity, courage and collaboration. ...

Ice-cream 🍦
The smiles that come with ice-cream are extra special! Thank you to our fabulous parents association for treating all the pupils to this...

Active Week: Tables Relay
Active Week in Derrywash NationalSchool Mrs Irwin's 1st & 2nd Class playing "Tables Relay" with chalk in the yard today. Who knew...

2nd Class Communion retreat
What a wonderful day 2nd Class had in Ballintubber Abbey on Tuesday 2nd May at their Communion retreat. A day of bonding, prayer,...

Outdoor Drumming Concert
We had a beautiful day for our outdoor concert with Anthony. If you weren’t lucky enough to get a ticket have a look at this short video...

Jersey Day - In support of two great causes.
Staff and students in Derrywash National School are having a jersey day this Friday 4th Feb to support the Hurling For Hope fundraiser...

Christmas Cheer Week
An amazing week in Derrywash N.S., all classes enjoyed celebrating Christmas Cheer Week! Crafts, carol singing, hot chocolate, pantomime,...

Derrywash N.S.
We asked our students why they love coming to school in Derrywash N.S., we love their responses!