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5th/6th Class Blog

Halloween Woodland Walk
What a great day we had today, from our woodland walk with our buddies, a talent show and Halloween games organised by 5th & 6th class....
Maths Week
Maths Week in Derrywash NS was play based and so much fun. Lots of in class games and buddy activities. Here are a few pictures to give...

Visit by local historian Dr Michael O’Connor
We were delighted to welcome our local historian Dr Michael O’Connor to 5th and 6th Class today to discuss the important role of our town...

Marine Week ‘24
Celebrating Marine Week 2024 in the senior class.

Comórtas Fichille ♟️
Our school chess team were invited to participate in the Comórtas Fichille for the first time this year. It was a great experience and we...

Easter Egg Hunt
5th & 6th class students very kindly organised an Easter Egg Hunt for all the pupils. A great time was had using orienteering, running,...

Siúlóid Dúlra an Earraigh
Chuaigh rang a cúig agus a sé ar siúlóid dúlra ag lorg comharthaí an Earraigh. Chonaiceamar lus an chromchinn, nóiníní, sabhaircíní agus...

Outdoor Classroom
5th & 6th Class took our Maths lesson outside to explore area and perimeter activities in our school surroundings and worked together to...

Seachtain na Gaeilge
Tráth na gCeist, cluichí Gaeilge, céilí mór agus taispeantas le haghaidh Seachtain na Gaeilge I rang a cúig agus a sé.

6th Class Visit Historical Ballintubber Abbey
Our 6th Class visited Ballintubber Abbey for our Confirmation Retreat. We had fun exploring and reflecting in the historic surroundings.

Author visit
Oliver Kelleher, author of Stay in the Drain, pictured with six of his grandchildren who attend Derrywash NS.

Green School survey
The senior classes were surveyed to find out their awareness of marine litter issues. The Green School Committee collated all the...

Green School Water for Peace Art Competition winners.
The Green School Committee presented certificates and prizes to the artists whose posters have been chosen to represent the school in An...

Máirt Inide
Rinne rang a cúig agus a sé pancóga do na páistí go léir inniu. Céard a cuireann tú ar do phancóg?

Chess Club
Our Chess Club took part in our first ever chess tournament organised by Ficheall.

Cycle Safety Course
Thanks to Jerry from Cycle Right for working with us over the past few weeks to develop our cycle safety skills and bring us out on the...

Grandparents Day
We celebrated Grandparents' Day in 5th and 6th by welcoming some of our wonderful grandparents and entertaining them and listening to...

Science Show
5th & 6th Class demonstrated some science experiments during our Science Show to mark Science Week

Halloween Fest 2023
Fun, games and lots of entertainment at our annual Halloween Fest

ARC Visit to Derrywash
The Aquaculture Remote Classroom visited us in Derrywash and we learned about aquaculture and its importance to Ireland

Tennis Blitz
Thank you Olwyn for coming to Derrywash and doing a fabulous, inclusive tennis blitz with all of our students. Here's just a teeny...

Mini 7s Success 🎉
Congratulations to both our girls and boys teams on a very successful mini 7s outing today. Our girls were victorious after a hard fought...

Ice-cream 🍦
The smiles that come with ice-cream are extra special! Thank you to our fabulous parents association for treating all the pupils to this...

Senior School Tour
We had such a fantastic tour in Emerald Park with our 3rd-6th classes. The pupils had so much fun that there wasn't much time to stop for...
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