Derrywash NS
Student Council report
We are Derrywash Student Council. We make sure that all the students in the school are happy and that everything is running smoothly at...

Derrywash NS
Science Week in 3rd Class
After a busy week in 3rd class, we thought it was high time we let everyone else in on the fun! We did a number of demonstrations and...

Derrywash NS
OÃche Shamhna Shona Daoibh!
This wonderful bunch of 3rd class zombies would like to wish everyone a Happy Halloween and Midterm! Congratulations to all of our...

Derrywash NS
MS Readathon has begun!
We are so proud to announce our participation in this year's MS Readathon! Not only will we be raising money for an important cause like...

Derrywash NS
Titanic Theme in Third!
For the last few weeks we've been learning all about the Titanic. We began by reading our class novel: Titanic - A Voyage from Drumshee...

Derrywash NS
Counties Poem
Welcome back everyone! One of our first activities this year is to learn a poem to help us remember the counties in each province. Here...