Ms. Fitzgerald
Time for a Class Update!
Dear Parents, Friends and Visitors, We have been so busy in 2nd and 3rd class over the last few weeks and have completely forgotten to...

Derrywash NS
Reading in the Sun
2nd & 3rd class decided to make the most of the beautiful weather by having reading time outside today! Good for the bodies AND minds! 😊

Derrywash NS
Our First Holy Communion Retreat
On Tuesday we spent the day in Knock Shrine to prepare for our First Holy Communion. We played games, talked about Jesus in our lives and...

Derrywash NS
Colouring Competition Winner!
We were thrilled to hear that one of our classmates won a prize in the Barna Waste Easter Colouring Competition! She won a yummy Easter...

Derrywash NS
Art Workshop at the Linenhall
Today we visited the Linenhall Arts Centre to see the exhibition, 'As Above, So Below'. We looked at the paintings, talked about them and...

Derrywash NS
Mindfulness Matters
As our workshops draw to a close, we want to thank Ann and Dervil for opening our minds to Mindfulness! Taking time to breathe and being...

Derrywash NS
Lá Fhéile Pádraig!
We've spent the last week celebrating Seachtain na Gaeilge and what a week it has been! Bhà na páistà ag caint as Gaeilge sa seomra ranga...

Derrywash NS
Derrywash in Lego!
This week we've been learning all about buildings and paying close attention to our own school building. We analysed some pictures of the...

Derrywash NS
Pancake Tuesday in 2nd & 3rd
A big thank you to 4th, 5th & 6th for making our tasty pancakes today. We all really enjoyed them and especially liked experimenting with...

Derrywash NS
Computer Studies
With the help of our new laptops we are learning lots of new skills in 2nd and 3rd class. At the minute we are learning how to copy and...