Mrs Irwin
Schools in the Past
3rd and 4th Class have been busy interviewing and researching school life in the past. Check out all of our fantastic projects.

Derrywash NS
Active Week 2020
Active week this year was a little different but it looked like great fun. We had an active timetable and some healthy recipes to try out...

Derrywash NS
World Book Day 2020
We celebrated World Book Day in style today in Derrywash with all the children dressing up as a favourite character from a book. A big...

Derrywash NS
Student Council report
We are Derrywash Student Council. We make sure that all the students in the school are happy and that everything is running smoothly at...

Derrywash NS
Researchers at work!
Pupils in 3rd and 4th Class are enjoying working in teams researching different aspects of "Ancient Greece". Using books, laptops and...

Derrywash NS
3rd and 4th Class Van Gogh's
Some amazing art work from 3rd and 4th Class inspired by Vincent Van Gogh. We have been enjoying studying Van Gogh's art work and have...

Derrywash NS
Student council
This week we had our first meeting of the newly formed Derrywash NS. There has been great excitement in the school with elections in 1st...

Derrywash NS
Robotics in Derrywash
We are very excited to be engaging in robotics workshops in Derrywash N.S.. 3rd and 4th class have made an excellent start building and...

Mrs Irwin
3rd & 4th Class Busy at Work!
Welcome to our 3rd & 4th Class page. We have had an exciting start back to school already, with lots of activities to look forward to...

Derrywash NS
Junior School Tour
Here are a few photos of a really wonderful day. Everyone was so excited when the double decker bus arrived to bring to us to the Pet...