Derrywash NS
Try it Tuesdays - Raspberries
These juicy raspberries went down a treat for try it Tuesdays and are a very handy snack for lunch boxes.

Derrywash NS
Cherry Blossom Trees
Today we looked at pictures of beautiful cherry blossom trees and then made our own. We have some budding artists in the Infant classroom.

Derrywash NS
Try it Tuesday - Quinoa
Today we tried something that nobody had tried before - Quinoa. A great source of protein and very easy to make. One cup of quinoa to two...

Derrywash NS
Valentine's Art
Today we made some beautiful Valentines Artwork by weaving wool through a paper plate.

Derrywash NS
Try it Tuesday - Mary's Homemade Brown Bread
Today we had the best Try it Tuesday ever! Mary showed us how she makes her famous Brown Bread and we all got to taste some with butter...

Derrywash NS
Try it Tuesday - Pasta
We took Try it Tuesdays to the kitchen today to try something different and it went down a treat. We made plain pasta and we also made...

Derrywash NS
Try it Tuesday - Red Pepper
Today we tried a red pepper and it was the first time for a lot of boys and girls eating a raw pepper. Overall I think it got the thumbs up.

Derrywash NS
Try it Tuesdays - Blueberries
Blueberries went down a treat today! Some boys and girls had tried them before and said they didn't like them but they still tried them....

Derrywash NS
Santa Writes Back!!!
Have a look at our slideshow to see how excited we all were when Michael the postman arrived with letters from Santa for us!! We can't...

Derrywash NS
Try it Tuesday - Melon
Today we tried two different types of Melon; cantaloupe and honeydew. It was fun hearing about each child's favourite and why.