Derrywash NS
New iPads!!!
Junior & Senior Infants are using our lovely new iPads for station teaching. We LOVE them and have so much fun learning with them.

Derrywash NS
The Solar System
We have been learning all about planets this week and we made this really cool display to show everyone what it looks like.

Derrywash NS
Spooky Art
Junior & Senior Infants had so much fun making some Halloween cup faces.

Derrywash NS
Shape Data
Today we gathered our data from our shape hunt and recorded it on bar-charts using beautiful colours.

Derrywash NS
Shape Hunt!
Junior & Senior Infants were learning all about 2-D shapes in Maths and went on a Shape Hunt in the school to find circles, squares,...

Derrywash NS
Mayo for Sam & Brendan
Everyone here in the Junior & Senior Infant room are wishing all the best to the Mayo men and ladies lining out for their county this...

Derrywash NS
Mayo Pop Art
Junior & Senior Infants are showing their support for the men's and ladies Mayo teams by making Mayo Pop Art. UP MAYO!

Derrywash NS
RINKA Fitness Come to Visit Derrywash
Thank you so much to the RINKA instructors that came to visit us today. They did a little workshop with us to develop our fitness in a...

Derrywash NS
Our First School Tour!!!
Click here to have a look at some of the fun things we got to do on our first ever school tour! We had so much fun and can't wait to go...

Derrywash NS
Picnic in the Sun
Last week we had a picnic outside in the lovely sunshine.