Mrs Jennings
New Junior Infants!
We are excited to welcome our new Junior Infants to Derrywash.

Mrs Jennings
We are growing up!
In April Infants had lots of fun looking at old photos of themselves and Mrs Jennings and Mrs Fitzgerald to spot any changes! We were...

Mrs Jennings
Infant foodies!
It was all about food in Infants for November. We loved the stories Handa’s Surprise, The Tiger who came to tea and the Gingerbread Man....

Derrywash NS
Active Schools Week in Infants
We had a super busy week! We did football and hurling, went on a bear hunt and found a Teddy bears picnic, had a Teddy bears sports day...

Mrs Jennings
All about school in Infants
In February Junior and Senior Infants learned all about school past and present. We had lots of fun in our child led play. We had a visit...

Mrs Jennings
Busy bodies!
Throughout November we have been busy learning all about our bodies. Today was a special day because a real live nurse came to answer all...

Mrs Jennings
Maths week fun in Junior and Senior Infants
Lots of hands on and active learning about 2D shapes, the number 2 and addition this week!

Mrs Jennings
Welcome to Junior Infants
This year 12 children started school with us in Derrywash NS. They have settled in beautifully and are having great fun in school.

Mrs Jennings
Self portraits
Junior and Senior Infants have been busy getting to know each other in September. We looked carefully at our faces and did some self...

Ms McDermott
Sunflowers in Infants
The excitement was at an all time high this week when the children saw their sunflowers starting to grow ☀️