Derrywash NS
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
We learned how to sort our waste into different categories: compost, recyclable, clothing, electronics and general waste.

Derrywash NS
Class Promises
Our class promises to take care of God's King dom

Derrywash NS
How to Keep Our Teeth Healthy
We learned that strong, healthy teeth help us chew foods, speak clearly and have bright smiles.

Derrywash NS
Experiments for Science Week 2020
1st & 2nd Class took part in experiments for Science Week 2020. We made volcanoes and icebergs.

Derrywash NS
Healthy Eating
1st & 2nd Class learned about 'Healthy Eating'. They learned about the importance of the Food Pyramid and were able to sort foods into...

Derrywash NS
Student council
This week we had our first meeting of the newly formed Derrywash NS. There has been great excitement in the school with elections in 1st...

Derrywash NS
Sports Day 2019
We were so lucky to have the sun shining for our sports day! Have a look at our slideshow to see some action shots.

Derrywash NS
Junior School Tour
Here are a few photos of a really wonderful day. Everyone was so excited when the double decker bus arrived to bring to us to the Pet...