Derrywash NS
Healthy Eating
1st & 2nd Class learned about 'Healthy Eating'. They learned about the importance of the Food Pyramid and were able to sort foods into...
Mrs Irwin
Schools in the Past
3rd and 4th Class have been busy interviewing and researching school life in the past. Check out all of our fantastic projects.

Mrs Jennings
How are you feeling?
We love to explore our feelings using the zones of regulations. We read books about our emotions, check in our emotions throughout the...

Ms McDermott
Baking Brown Bread
Today we were so lucky, Mary came into our class to show us how to make her famous brown bread. It smelt so good when it came out of the...

Ms McDermott
Solar Systems in Art
Today we made our own solar systems, have a look...

Ms McDermott
Science Week in Infants
We did lots of experiments this week for Science week and I think we have some budding scientists for the future. Take a look at these...

Mrs Jennings
Scientists in Ms Jennings' class
This week we have been looking at how materials change. We mixed oil, water, food colouring and Alka seltzer together to make lots of...

Ms McDermott
Planets in Space
Junior & Senior Infants made their own planets today in Art, check them out in our slideshow.

Mrs Jennings

Mrs Jennings
Maths week in Ms Jennings' room
2D and 3D shapes Maths books: size Autumn maths: sorting, patterns and counting Number

Ms McDermott
Autumn Vibes
Infants were making beautiful Autumn trees this week using all the Autumn colours.

Derrywash NS
St Gerald's Class of '89 presentation
St Gerald's Class of '89 reunion generously decided to present our special class with a cheque for more than 370 euro, a result of their...

Ms McDermott
Today we worked a lot of our fine motor skills making the most beautiful houses in art. We were cutting, sticking and painting and we had...

Derrywash NS
Thank you!
We are delighted to have received two generous donations in the past couple of months. The Kearns family presented us with the results of...

Derrywash NS
Warning! Big, bad wolf in the school!
Mrs Jennings' class had lots of fun with the Three Little Pigs story in September. There was lots of huffing and puffing to be heard!

Ms McDermott
Trip to Turlough
Check out some pictures from our trip to Turlough with Junior & Senior Infants.

Ms McDermott
Self Portraits by Infants
Budding artists in infants drawing self portraits this week

Derrywash NS
Back to school fun in Mrs Jennings' class
We are very happy to be back at school. We have three new classmates so we are busy getting to know each other, having fun and getting...

Ms McDermott
Artists in Infants
Budding artists in infants. Today we used our fingers to design patterns on our names.

Ms McDermott
We are Back!!
We are so happy to be back and welcoming all our new students. Here are all the wonderful students in Junior & Senior Infants.