Derrywash NS
Coding with Declan Holmes
We welcomed Declan Holmes to 5th & 6th class this week. We learned all about coding and how to use the Scratch and Microsoft Micro:bit...

Derrywash NS
Music with Steph
We are delighted to have Stephanie Kilkenny back for traditional music lessons every Tuesday.

Ms McDermott
Summer Art
Junior & Senior Infants loved painting a summer beach scene. This lesson got us all excited about what we hope is a sunny summer break ☀️

Ms McDermott
Infants were talking a lot about labelling images and work in our copies so today we took that outside and labelled our bodies.

Ms McDermott
A little bit of Spring
Mrs Jennings brought a surprise spring visitor into our class today and her name is Tiny 🐑.

Mrs Jennings
A visit from Tiny the Lamb
Big excitement in Ms Jennings' class today when Tiny the Lamb came to visit. We used all the language we have learned during Aistear in...

Ms McDermott
Sunflowers in Infants
The excitement was at an all time high this week when the children saw their sunflowers starting to grow ☀️

Ms McDermott
Design and Create with Infants
Last week we were designing and building our own castles from a fairytale 🏰

Derrywash NS
Outdoor Drumming Concert
We had a beautiful day for our outdoor concert with Anthony. If you weren’t lucky enough to get a ticket have a look at this short video...

Derrywash NS
Blowing Bubbles in the sun!
We are working towards our Amber Flag promoting positive mental health. This week we are focusing on deep breathing and "bubble breaths",...

Ms McDermott
Planting with Infants
The excitement of planting our very own sunflowers today was real! We cannot wait to see them grow 🌻

Derrywash NS
Seachtain na Gaeilge 2022
Seachtain na Gaeilge, an fhéile Ghaeilge is mó in Éirinn agus ar fud an domhain!

Ms McDermott
Aistear in Infants
Junior & Senior Infants using these fabulous resources from Balancing Act Toys during Aistear this morning developing and encouraging...

Mrs Irwin
Exploring Vikings
4th Class researched the Vikings and published their projects using Adobe Spark Creative Cloud. We learned the importance of researching...

Ms McDermott
Pancakes 🥞
Thank you so much to Mr Tiernan and 5th & 6th class for making such tasty pancakes for us today. We loved them.

Ms McDermott
Bubble Wrap Art
Infants made some beautiful pet lambs using bubble wrap and paint 🐑

Derrywash NS
Sharing the love for Valentine's Day
This week, as part of our work towards the Amber Flag, we created Valentines Day cards for the one's we love to make them smile! 4th...

Derrywash NS
Fourth Class Love to Sing
Ms. Madden called into Fourth Class with her guitar and immediately pupils were happy to stop their hard work on their animal refuges...

Derrywash NS
Everyone Has Rhythm!
Our Fifth and Sixth Classes love their drum lessons! In this video they are thoroughly enjoying their session in our sun-filled school...

Derrywash NS
Design Your Animal Home
Fourth Class were very hard at work recently designing a home for a wild animal of their choice. They had to take many aspects into...