Derrywash NS
Try it Tuesdays!
We kicked off 'try it Tuesdays' with a tasty success! Pear was on the menu this week and it got a big thumbs up all around. Keep posted...

Derrywash NS
Reading in the Infant Room
Some pictures of Senior Infants reading to Junior Infants and telling them all about their books.

Derrywash NS
Yoga in Infants
When it rains we do yoga! Not being able to get outside today for PE means we learned so much about yoga. We cannot wait to do it all...

Derrywash NS
Infant Self Portraits
Budding artists in Junior & Senior Infants doing self-portraits today.

Ms. Fitzgerald
Welcome Back!
Dear Parents, Students, Family and Friends, Welcome back! We are thrilled to be back after a great summer. This week we started our...

Derrywash NS
A Visit from the Ice-cream Van!!
What a day!!! The ice-cream van came to visit our school today and we had a little ice-cream party outside. Smiles all around

Derrywash NS
Sports Day 2018
Click on the slideshow to see all our Sports Day Action Shots! What a day!

Derrywash NS
Infants Enjoying the Outdoor Play Area
Watch our slideshow to see how much fun we have in the outdoor play area. There are so many things to do!

Derrywash NS
Let's Go School Tour
Junior & Senior Infants really enjoying their lunch break at the Let's Go school tour in Breaffy yesterday. We had so much fun and loved...

Derrywash NS
Safari Animals
We learnt all about Safari animals recently. We loved mixing the beautiful sky colours together in Art to make a lovely sunset...

Derrywash NS
Story Writing in Senior Infants
Check out some of our budding authors in Senior Infants!! We started to write stories a few weeks ago and thought you might want to have...

Derrywash NS
A Sunny Stroll
Today Junior & Senior Infants got a chance to go for a lovely walk through our school woods in between the rain showers. We saw some...

Derrywash NS
Maths Station Teaching Challenge
Here are some of Junior & Senior Infants constructions during station teaching. They had a different challenge each week at this station.

Derrywash NS
World Book Day Take 2
A snow day stopped us from celebrating World Book Day last week so we decided to reschedule it for this week and my goodness didn't the...

Derrywash NS
Yoga with Neil
Junior & Senior Infants are having so much fun learning new yoga moves every week with Neil from The Movement Gym in Castlebar. Mondays...

Derrywash NS

Derrywash NS
Pancakes Yum Yum!!
Thank you so much to Mr Tiernan & the 5th & 6th class students who made us the yummiest pancakes ever at school today!!

Derrywash NS
Today we decided to get a little more active and do the Operation Transformation 10@10 challenge! We had so much fun & noticed our hearts...

Derrywash NS
Abstract Art Using Wool & Paint
Junior & Senior Infants were doing some abstract paintings using a piece of wool and paint. There were some interesting master pieces in...

Derrywash NS
Our Solar System
First & second Class are learning about our solar system