Mrs Jennings
Infant foodies!
It was all about food in Infants for November. We loved the stories Handa’s Surprise, The Tiger who came to tea and the Gingerbread Man....

Mrs Jennings
Watch out for dinosaurs!
In October Junior and Senior Infants learned all about dinosaurs. The class was a creative, informative, explorative and playful place to...

Ms McDermott
Tennis Blitz
Thank you Olwyn for coming to Derrywash and doing a fabulous, inclusive tennis blitz with all of our students. Here's just a teeny...

Mrs Jennings
Colourful Start to New School Year
The theme for our first month in Junior and Senior Infants was Colour. We read some great books together and created art based on them....

Ms McDermott
Ice-cream 🍦
The smiles that come with ice-cream are extra special! Thank you to our fabulous parents association for treating all the pupils to this...

Derrywash NS
Metamorphosis in Infants
We have been carefully following the life cycle of caterpillars as they grew and changed into chrysalis and then butterflies that we...

Mrs Jennings
All about school in Infants
In February Junior and Senior Infants learned all about school past and present. We had lots of fun in our child led play. We had a visit...

Mrs Jennings
Self portraits
Junior and Senior Infants have been busy getting to know each other in September. We looked carefully at our faces and did some self...

Ms McDermott
Summer Art
Junior & Senior Infants loved painting a summer beach scene. This lesson got us all excited about what we hope is a sunny summer break ☀️

Ms McDermott
Infants were talking a lot about labelling images and work in our copies so today we took that outside and labelled our bodies.