Derrywash NS
ARC Visit to Derrywash
The Aquaculture Remote Classroom visited us in Derrywash and we learned about aquaculture and its importance to Ireland

Ms McDermott
Tennis Blitz
Thank you Olwyn for coming to Derrywash and doing a fabulous, inclusive tennis blitz with all of our students. Here's just a teeny...

Ms McDermott
Mini 7s Success 🎉
Congratulations to both our girls and boys teams on a very successful mini 7s outing today. Our girls were victorious after a hard fought...

Ms McDermott
Ice-cream 🍦
The smiles that come with ice-cream are extra special! Thank you to our fabulous parents association for treating all the pupils to this...

Ms McDermott
Senior School Tour
We had such a fantastic tour in Emerald Park with our 3rd-6th classes. The pupils had so much fun that there wasn't much time to stop for...

Mrs McDonnell
Winners 🎉
Congratulations to our Sports Quiz team who won the Cumann na mBunscoil Sports Quiz

Mrs McDonnell

Mrs McDonnell

Mrs McDonnell