Ms McDermott
Halloween Woodland Walk
What a great day we had today, from our woodland walk with our buddies, a talent show and Halloween games organised by 5th & 6th class....
Ms McDermott
Maths Week
Maths Week in Derrywash NS was play based and so much fun. Lots of in class games and buddy activities. Here are a few pictures to give...

Derrywash NS
Visit by local historian Dr Michael O’Connor
We were delighted to welcome our local historian Dr Michael O’Connor to 5th and 6th Class today to discuss the important role of our town...

Derrywash NS
Marine Week ‘24
Celebrating Marine Week 2024 in the senior class.

Derrywash NS
Comórtas Fichille ♟️
Our school chess team were invited to participate in the Comórtas Fichille for the first time this year. It was a great experience and we...

Ms McDermott
Easter Egg Hunt
5th & 6th class students very kindly organised an Easter Egg Hunt for all the pupils. A great time was had using orienteering, running,...

Derrywash NS
Siúlóid Dúlra an Earraigh
Chuaigh rang a cúig agus a sé ar siúlóid dúlra ag lorg comharthaí an Earraigh. Chonaiceamar lus an chromchinn, nóiníní, sabhaircíní agus...

Derrywash NS
Outdoor Classroom
5th & 6th Class took our Maths lesson outside to explore area and perimeter activities in our school surroundings and worked together to...

Derrywash NS
Seachtain na Gaeilge
Tráth na gCeist, cluichí Gaeilge, céilí mór agus taispeantas le haghaidh Seachtain na Gaeilge I rang a cúig agus a sé.

Derrywash NS
6th Class Visit Historical Ballintubber Abbey
Our 6th Class visited Ballintubber Abbey for our Confirmation Retreat. We had fun exploring and reflecting in the historic surroundings.