Ms McDermott
Warm & Cold Colours
Mixing warm and cold colours to create these beautiful autumn paintings in 3rd & 4th class

Mrs Jennings
Colourful Start to New School Year
The theme for our first month in Junior and Senior Infants was Colour. We read some great books together and created art based on them....

Ms McDermott
Autumn Art in 3rd&4th
Artwork inspired by Jim Dine's 'The Little Heart in Landscape'. 3rd & 4th really enjoyed learning about the artist and creating their own...

Mrs Irwin
International Dot Day
During Art this week 1st and 2nd Class celebrated International Dot Day, a global celebration of creativity, courage and collaboration. ...

Ms McDermott
The Human Skeleton
3rd & 4th needed a little help from the infant class today in order to complete their art lesson. Take a look at the video to see all the...

Ms McDermott
Mini 7s Success 🎉
Congratulations to both our girls and boys teams on a very successful mini 7s outing today. Our girls were victorious after a hard fought...

Ms McDermott
Sunshine Exercise
Making memories on the first week back to school with a little walk to the rugby club on a sunny day. Such an enjoyable exercise...